Home Turkey




  • 17lb Turkey
  • 14 Rashers Streaky Bacon
  • 2 Carrots
  • 2 Parsnips
  • 2 Onions
  • 500ml Chicken Stock


  • Giblets
  • Vegetable Peelings
  • 2 Litres Turkey/Chicken stock
  • Herbs



  1. Take the turkey out of the fridge 1 hour before cooking time
  2. Preheat the oven to 170 Celcius 30 minutes before start of cook time
  3. Put the carrots, parsnips and onions in the bottom of the turkey pan
  4. Place the turkey on top and pour in the stock
  5. Put into the oven
  6. Cook time is 3.5 Hours roughly but we want to be basting with the juices every 45 minutes. Were looking for an internal temp of 73 Celcius.
  7. Once cooked we will want to leave to rest for 1 hour atleast. Cover with foil and tea towels to keep the heat in


  1. Pour all the leftovers in the turkey tray into a pan and put on the hob
  2. Add the giblets and vegetable peelings along with the stock and herbs
  3. Cook on a low heat for an hour, use thickening granules or flour with water to thicken
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