Home Pork Belly Burnt Ends

Pork Belly Burnt Ends



  • 300g Pork Belly (No skin)

Dry Rub

BBQ Sauce

Foil Wrap

  • 3tbsp Apple Juice


  1. Cut the pork into bite size chunks
  2. Combine the rub ingredients and rub over all the pork chunks
  3. Preheat the smoker to 110 Celcius and put on your choice of smoking wood when ready
  4. Place the pork on the smoker ensuring that its on indirect heat (not over the coals)
  5. Cook for 2 hours
  6. Place the pork belly cubes into a foil pan and pour the apple juice on and cover with foil. Cook for a further 2 hours
  7. Combine all the BBQ sauce ingredients and cook in a pan for 10 minutes at a simmer.
  8. Uncover your pork bites and drain any liquid
  9. Pour over the BBQ sauce and stir
  10. Put back on for 15 minutes
  11. Let the pork rest for 20 minutes and then serve
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