Home Christmas Cooking Plan

Christmas Cooking Plan


Theres a lot to do on Christmas day, lots of plates to spin. Even if you’re just cooking for a small amount of people, prepping as much as possible ahead of the day will let you to be stress free and spend more time with family on the day.

Another tip is to make sure you have your timings documented and printed so you can follow them on the big day. Here i will run through my plan for the day including the prep and the recipes for each.

Food List



  • Mince Pies
  • Brownies


Probably the most important part. Get this done on Christmas Eve, and you can just stand around drinking a beer on Christmas day waiting for timers to go off and just putting things in and taking things out of the oven. Heres a list of everything i will be preparing the day before

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!

Mince PiesPrepare and cook mince pies
BrowniesPrepare and cook brownies
Pigs in blanketsWrap all the sausages in bacon and put in a foil dish and cover in the fridge
Sausage Meat StuffingMake the stuffing and put in a foil dish and cover in the fridge
Yorkshire PuddingsMake the mix and store in a tupperware box in the fridge. You can make this 24 hours ahead maximum
Bacon SproutsPeel and trim the sprouts and store in a tupperware box
Honey Glazed Carrot and ParsnipsPar boil the veg and coat in the glaze. Store in a foil dish covered in the fridge
PotatoesPar boil the potatoes, store in a tupperware box. Not in a foil dish as you will need to heat up the oil/goose fat in it first
Bread SauceMake the bread sauce and store in a tupperware box in the fridge. On xmas day you can just reheat with a touch of milk

The Big Day

With all your food prepped, a beer in hand and a christmas jumper on, just tick off everything below. My timings are based off a 17lb turkey and eating for 2pm

I’d advise using something like Amazon Alexa to preset multiple named timers

Dont forget to get your foil dishes out to come to room temperature

08:00Take Turkey out of fridge
09:00Put Oven on
09:30Put Turkey in covered in foil
12:30Take off foil
12:30Put Potato pans in with goose fat
13:00Take turkey out of oven and cover with foil and tea towels to rest
13:00Put Potatoes in
13:00Put Yorkshire tins in to heat
13:20Put Carrots and parsnips in
13:20Put stuffing and pigs and blankets in
13:20Start Gravy
13:30Put veg on
14:00Dish up ours
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