Connolly Smokehouse

Connolly Smokehouse


Ever just wanted simple straight forward recipes, with less of the life story around inspiration around the recipe and lots more to increase the word count. The aim of this blog is to work as a recipe book to refer back to and cook on repeat.

What are we making?

Recipes on this site will centre around a few main areas:

  • Baking - Anything from tray bakes, tarts to celebration cakes.
  • Brewing - Brewing lots of real ales
  • Cooking - Day to day cooking
  • Smoking - Smoking lots of meat!

The smokehouse

Desktop View In 2024 i decided to build an outdoor cooking area in the garden. This was enable me to brew beer without stinking the house out and BBQ in all weathers. It took a lot of effort and lot of mess ups to get it where it is today and so far, has served me very well!